Supreme Court Justices Through The Years

Supreme court chief justice john roberts second from the right talks with from l r associates justices elena kagan clarence thomas and samuel alito after arriving for services for former.
Supreme court justices through the years - It also appointed a circuit court justice. Earlier the senate voted 96 3 to confirm bader as the 107th justice and the second woman to serve on the supreme court. Douglas s 36 years 211 days to the 163 day tenure of thomas johnson as of october 10 2020 the length of service for the eight incumbent justices ranges from clarence thomas 28 years 353 days to. The length of service on the court for the 106 non incumbent justices ranges from william o.
But the constitution doesn t require nine. The supreme court has had nine justices for more than 150 years. That if republicans do push through a new justice and. The number is set by congress.
18 2020 the. Ruth bader ginsburg died at her home in washington on sept. The supremes only had to ride circuit once over two years. Since the supreme court was established in 1789 114 people have served on the court.
Supreme court nominees through the years. The judiciary act of 1891 didn t change the number of justices but it did create a court of appeals in each circuit so the supremes no longer had to leave washington.