Supreme Court Justices Obama

The second appointment was that of solicitor general elena kagan to replace the retired john.
Supreme court justices obama - On march 16 2016 president barack obama nominated merrick garland for associate justice of the supreme court of the united states to succeed antonin scalia who had died one month earlier at the time of his nomination garland was the chief judge of the united states court of appeals for the district of columbia circuit. Four and a half years ago when republicans refused to hold a hearing or an up or down vote on merrick garland they invented the principle that the senate shouldn t fill an open seat on the supreme court before a new president was sworn in. President obama met with justice ruth bader ginsburg hinting at retirement but the art of nudging justices off the court is politically delicate and psychologically complicated. Justice s on obamacare an impending supreme court case on the affordable care act will be among the most immediate consequences of the coming fight over a new justice.
Barack obama barackobama september 19 2020.